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  • Writer's pictureLara Peters-Dougan

Operation Online Exhibit

After spending weeks preparing ourselves and the first years for our Wee Inventors exhibit that was to be set up in ‘the glass room’ at our University we were stopped panning suddenly by Covid-19. This was a very difficult time for all of us, not knowing what was happening with our lives or course. One day we were all sitting round the table planning big ideas then overnight weren't allowed back on campus.

This was extremely upsetting to all of us, a struggle because between myself, Kathleen and Kat, if and when we should be going home to family. It was decided we would take a short time off, digest what was happening in the work before diving back into our planning.


We worked closely with the 1st years designing and preparing them for the exhibit. This was an amazing opportunity for them, I was slightly jealous that I had not been given the chance at that age. Unfortunately after only a week of planning with my group we had been told the formation of Covid-19. Focussing to stay optimistic we ensured them the exhibit would go ahead, we will be showing off all their amazing work and designs, we would not let the kids down.

Before being sent home for an early summer, we expressed our high hopes for September that we should go back to normal, ready to design, that the exhibit would go ahead. We couldn’t have been more wrong.


Napier opened up again mid September and I knew things would not be the same. I had worked the whole pandemic in Tesco, with rules changing every week, shoppers panic buying and everyone having no idea what was going on.

I was super excited to get back into uni, after more seeing anymore really for months on end! This was a little different though, I was used to the masks and hand washing by now but the one way systems of the uni were definitely annoying.

After being briefed about 4th year we dived into getting the exhibit ready for Oxgangs and the first years. We started to work with the first years again, getting all their models finished and prepared for the exhibit. Unfortunately over summer the studio had been cleaned out which meant anything left from the first years, or any year was gone. Lucky mty group had taken some photos of their models, using photoshop skills and graphic design storyboards we were able to have really groovy designs for the exhibit. We had now decided that a physical exhibit was off the table, we had some tricks up your sleeve.


Finally we had managed to create an amazing fun interactive exhibit for the children, and us. We used a 3D software called ‘Kumtrex’, it allowed us to create virtual walk round rooms of each class’s drawings and models. Jordan took on the task of uploading everything and making it look funky and interesting for the children.

I was in charge of designing promotional advertisements suited for our twitter, we had started to build a following there over the summer to branch into more schools. I really enjoyed making these, using procreate I designed various events of a similar style using the childrens and first years' work. We wanted to engage as many people as we could to show off all the amazing work produced by everyone.

It was a great success! The kids and first years loved it! I was so happy with the turn out and just thought how amazed I’d be if I had seen this at a young age, truly inspiring.

This whole experience was an amazing opportunity for me and I’m so happy I was picked for the program. It has inspired my future design career and course work in the best way. I look forward to working with children again, possibly looking into my line as a child development designer.

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